We invite you to be part of our Latino Radio Network and social networks group of advertisers. We are published bi-weekly 24 issues a year. Our Radio magazine, website, and all social networks offer high-quality features, and content in photography with the value you expect from the publication of Excellence.
To reserve space in Latino Radio Network please Contact Latino Radio
Our mission statement:
About Latino Radio Network will provide our viewership and advertisers with upscale, high-quality, and memorable publications. Our goal is to present and represent the Latino Radio Network industry. We will provide a list of all associated businesses, events, and other services that are in the state of Latino Radio Network in one location on our website. We are committed to marketing our advertiser brands with Innovation and creativity in the upcoming years with the newest technologies.
Distribution is the key to success. Your brand is automatically included in every Latino Radio Network Edition for the same rate. The magazines are distributed weekly. Your brain is seen by both locals and visitors using 5 Channel distribution.
1. Readers
2. Musicians - Artists
3. Businesses
4. All of our social networks
5. Newsletters
Latino Radio Network is available for download and viewable on our website.
We cater directly to over 180,000 Latino Radio Networks that are in the Radio industry. These are businesses, DJs, Musicians, clients, owners and buyers, Music clubs, and other organizations.
Besides your ad, paying advertisers receive the second position in our social network. You'll be placed on our Facebook page and our Twitter page once a week. Your logos, images, ads, and Banners will stay on our social network as long as you are a client.
Each advertiser is also listed in our directory listing on our website. This is great for backlinking and also SEO.
All advertisements are full color and should be submitted as camera-ready digital files. High-resolution png and jpg are preferred, but Adobe Creative Suite files are acceptable. Photos and other images should be no less than 300 dpi. The magazine is printed on the 70-pound gold text and is saddle-stitched.
Website Sponsorship
Pro Audio - Banner Package: $100 Per month (six-month contract)/ $50 per month (a year contract)
1. Your logo is displayed on our banner ad on our desktop player and be seen at least 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week *Plus it's clickable and goes directly to your site.
2. Your logo is displayed on our banner ad on our mobile app and be seen at least 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week *Plus it's clickable and goes directly to your site.
3. Your logo will be displayed on our "Advertisers" Page on our website
4 You will be mentioned on our "Latino Radio Network" Facebook fan page. 30-60 times a month to over 180,000 Latino Radio Networks.
5. You will be interviewed often on "Latino Radio Network or Latino Radio Network" Radio Show
6. Our Production Department to create a 30-60 second ad commercial for you
7. Your commercial is promoted through Archive Shows displayed on our "On Demand" tab on the website and through the rebroadcast of shows
8. Any additional commercials created are $45 per commercial (created by our Production Department)
Standard Audio - Banner Package: $40 Per Month (six-month contract)/ $30 Per Month ( a year contract)
1. Your logo is displayed on our banner ad on our desktop player and be seen at least 5 hours a day/ 7 days a week *Plus click-able and goes directly to your site
2. Your logo is displayed on our banner ad on our mobile app and be seen at least 5 hours a day/ 7 days a week *Plus click-able and goes directly to your site
3. Your logo will be displayed on our "Advertisers" Page on our website
4. You will be mentioned on our "Latino Radio Network" Facebook Fan Page
5. One audio commercial will be made for you and played on our podcasts and radio shows.
Banner advertising
Banner advertising is a monthly fee unless paid for by the year. see our prices below on the banner size images. Please note that this is a responsive website. That means that your banner could be resized a little. It could either go smaller or larger depending on The View of the monitor that's visiting this website. Have any questions on any Banner ad or would like to sign up please Contact Us today. We also have the 1250x150 banner too.

What You Need To Know About Radio
Radio Reaches Over 90% of the Population
With over 230 million listeners every week, radio reaches over 90% of the U.S. population. However, that is not the most impressive thing about the radio. The really amazing aspect of radio is how it personally connects with consumers. With its lifestyle-specific programming and lovable on-air personalities, radio has the power to reach a highly targeted demographic.
Our advertising associates specialize in radio. We know how stations operate and how to get you the best radio advertising rates possible.
Sponsorship is a long-term partnership, which keeps a brand at the forefront of the listener’s mind.
On-air sponsorships generate brand awareness through frequent name-check mentions, along with a brief positioning statement.
Sponsorship opportunities on radio range from bulletin sponsorships such as weather, traffic & travel, and sport to show sponsorships such as weekday breakfast, drive-time, and weekend programming. Another option is to sponsor a unique programming feature created specifically for the sponsor. The message works even harder if there is a natural synergy between the sponsorship property and the advertiser’s brand.
As sponsorships build awareness in a subtle way, 3 months is the minimum duration recommended for a sponsorship.
Video Package: $250 per month (six-month contract)/ $200 per month ( a year contract)
Your video commercial is on the front page. You can place up to three videos to promote your business. These are normally commercials.
* Your video will be played and be seen right on our "Home Page, sponsor page, radio page and added to our Facebook page and other social networks" on our site at least 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week.